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- BON SCOTT ...Ten Years After..# #
- (This article was about to come out in a previous issue, but as
- the ASCII-file got lost due to my lazyness, this delay occured,
- anyway, better late than never... Enjoy !!!)#
- London: East-Dulwich, Overhill Road 67, in the very early morning of the
- 19th of February 1980, a Renault 5 car is parked since hours at that place.
- Inside lying a man suffocated because of his own vomit, due to the extreme
- alcohol consumation the last night (and years!). The coming afternoon his
- friend, who was sleeping in the house, will notice it, but it'll be to
- late for about 8 hours.#
- Few time after the discovery of the cadaver the radiostations worldwide
- bring the news...: "Bon Scott dies on the Highway to Hell", "AC/DC tragedy
- as Bon dies...". Those sentences went around the globe faster as you could
- immagine, for millions it wasn't a tragedy nor a catastrophical incident,
- ...since Elvis Preslys death never the masses were such shocked as at that
- date, more than ten years ago now ! It was UNBELIEVABLE !!!#
- Bon, that crazy and always drunken dude, died at a moment, when AC/DC just
- reached the top of the Showbusiness, and was gone to keep that place for
- a long time, coz as their Singer-Song-Writer, he contributed a hell of what
- they become... ten years ago !#
- Son of Charles Chick Belford Scott, and mum Isa, Ronald Belford Scott (wich
- name won't tell a lot to all our ACID-fan readers, anyway) wasnt' born on
- a '04th July', but five days after, in 1946 in Kirrimure, Scottland.
- Five years later, the Scotts were fed up with the misery around, and so
- Charles decided to re-start a new life... down there in sunny Australia, were
- Rony could play with the Kangaroos, and the little aboriginie kids, during
- his parents were gone to earn some money, and did that pretty well.
- Rons mum wasn't very pleased about with whom her son was playing (?!), and
- so she decided, that at the age of 7 years, he had to learn to peck away
- the pianokeys ! For our rude guy Rony, that wasn't the climax of the day,
- and few yars later, after having started a carrier as 'cowboy', he bought his
- first motorbike, and crashed around on the endless Australian Highways !
- During that periode he learned to play the drum-kid, and some bagpipe, wich
- was more for his own satisfaction, as he was a real Scottsman.
- In 1962, just 16 years old, Rony left the so much hated, and for nothing
- good school, with the onlyest thing that remembered him that time... his
- nickname BON !
- His first job, was Postman in the neighbour-town, wich also didn't satisfie
- him that much, so that he joined his first group, as their drumer, called
- 'The Spekters'. For shure they wern't a top group and so he decided to leave
- 'em and let the postmanjob do another guy.#
- (continues on next article)#